Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The public ByteHouse API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
X-Account-ID required | string Example: 2100042608 accountID for subscribing |
X-User-ID required | string Example: 2100042608 user ID |
X-Bytehouse-Token required | string Example: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni bytehouse token |
{- "message": "Success"
X-Account-ID required | string Example: 2100042608 accountID for subscribing |
X-User-ID required | string Example: 2100042608 user ID |
X-Bytehouse-Token required | string Example: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni bytehouse token |
{- "message": "Success"
filter | string |
offset | integer Example: offset=200 skip specified number of elements, offset shuold be >= 0 |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": [
- {
- "name": "db_name",
- "type": "DATABASE",
- "uuid": "0c3c217b-5a00-4e44-9538-328dac95625b",
- "createdBy": {
- "id": 4780622283186922000,
}, - "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z"
], - "meta": {
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
name required | string Example: "db_name" |
description | string Example: "testing database, please don't delete" |
{- "name": "db_name",
- "description": "testing database, please don't delete"
{- "data": {
- "uuid": "f9cac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066356410a2"
db_name required | string |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "uuid": "sample_db_uuid",
- "name": "my_db_name",
- "ddl": "CREATE DATABASE `bh_system` ENGINE=Cnch COMMENT '';",
- "description": "DB description entered by user with limit length.",
- "noOfTables": 12,
- "sizeInBytes": 212600881152,
- "createdBy": {
- "id": 4780622283186922000,
}, - "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "lastModifiedBy": {
- "id": 4780622283186922000,
}, - "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "databaseType": "DATABASE"
db_name required | string |
filter | string |
offset | integer Example: offset=200 skip specified number of elements, offset shuold be >= 0 |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": [
- {
- "uuid": "sample_table_uuid",
- "name": "performance",
- "description": "sample description",
- "tableType": "TABLE",
- "createdBy": {
- "id": 4780622283186922000,
}, - "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z"
], - "meta": {
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
db_name required | string |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
name required | string Example: "table_name" Name of the table. |
description | string Example: "Hello Table" Description of the table. |
required | Array of objects (Column) Example: [{"name":"ColumnID","type":"String","nullable":false,"defaultValue":"defaultValue","comment":"hello comment"},{"name":"ColumnDate","type":"Date","nullable":false,"defaultValue":"2019-01-01"},{"name":"ColumnHello","type":"int"},{"name":"ColumnNotNull","type":"String","nullable":false},{"name":"EventTime","type":"DateTime","defaultValue":"now()","isDefaultValueRawExpression":true}] List of columns of the table. |
orderByKeys required | Array of strings Example: ["ColumnID","ColumnDate"] Name of the column whose values will be used to order the table's data. A key has to be one of the columns. |
samplingKey | string Example: "ColumnID" SAMPLE BY expression. A key has to be one of the columns. |
Array of objects Example: [{"column":"ColumnDate","granularity":"day","expression":"toStartOfDay(`ColumnDate`)"},{"column":"ColumnNotNull","granularity":null,"expression":"ColumnNotNull"}] Keys to partition the table. A key has to be one of the columns. | |
primaryKeys | Array of strings Example: ["ColumnID","ColumnDate"] Primary keys of the table used as the main identifier of the rows. A key has to be one of the columns. |
object Table rows time-to-live (TTL) configuration. | |
object Key used to guarantee uniqueness in the table. A key has to be one of the columns. | |
object Bucket key. Modifiable after creation. A key has to be one of the columns. | |
object Example: {"storage_dialect_type":"MYSQL","partition_level_unique_keys":0} Settings used for a table |
{- "name": "table_name",
- "description": "Hello Table",
- "columns": [
- {
- "name": "ColumnID",
- "type": "String",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "defaultValue",
- "comment": "hello comment"
}, - {
- "name": "ColumnDate",
- "type": "Date",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "2019-01-01"
}, - {
- "name": "ColumnHello",
- "type": "int"
}, - {
- "name": "ColumnNotNull",
- "type": "String",
- "nullable": false
}, - {
- "name": "EventTime",
- "type": "DateTime",
- "defaultValue": "now()",
- "isDefaultValueRawExpression": true
], - "orderByKeys": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "samplingKey": "ColumnID",
- "partitionKeys": [
- {
- "column": "ColumnDate",
- "granularity": "day",
- "expression": "toStartOfDay(`ColumnDate`)"
}, - {
- "column": "ColumnNotNull",
- "granularity": null,
- "expression": "ColumnNotNull"
], - "primaryKeys": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "ttl": {
- "column": "order_date",
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "MONTH",
- "granularity": "hour",
- "expression": "`toStartOfHour`(`order_date`) + INTERVAL 3 MONTH"
}, - "uniqueKey": {
- "columns": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "isUniqueTable": true,
- "expression": "(`ColumnID`, `ColumnDate`)"
}, - "clusterKey": {
- "columns": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "numOfBuckets": 20,
- "expression": "(`ColumnID`, `ColumnDate`)"
}, - "settings": {
- "storage_dialect_type": "MYSQL",
- "partition_level_unique_keys": 0
{- "data": {
- "uuid": "f9cac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066356410a2"
db_name required | string |
filter | string |
offset | integer Example: offset=200 skip specified number of elements, offset shuold be >= 0 |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": [
- {
- "uuid": "sample_table_uuid",
- "name": "performance",
- "tableType": "TABLE",
- "description": "sample description",
- "createdBy": {
- "id": 4780622283186922000,
}, - "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z"
], - "meta": {
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
db_name required | string |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "dbSyncStatus": "Running",
- "tableSyncStatus": [
- {
- "tableName": "materialized_mysql_table_1",
- "status": "Running"
], - "lastException": "ConnectionFailed"
db_name required | string |
table_name required | string |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
Array of objects (Column) Example: [{"name":"ColumnID","type":"String","nullable":false,"defaultValue":"defaultValue","comment":"updated_column_comment"},{"name":"ColumnDate","type":"Date","nullable":false,"defaultValue":"2019-01-01"}] | |
dropColumns | Array of strings Example: ["dropColumn1","dropColumn2"] |
Array of objects (Column) Example: [{"name":"ColumnExisting","type":"String","defaultValue":"defaultValue","comment":"you can update data type (including Nullable), default value and comment when modifying columns"},{"name":"ColumnExisting2","type":"Date","nullable":false,"defaultValue":"2019-01-01"}] | |
Array of objects | |
object Table TTL (time to live) for rows - set a new interval for the table TTL | |
isRemoveTTL | boolean Example: false |
{- "addColumns": [
- {
- "name": "ColumnID",
- "type": "String",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "defaultValue",
- "comment": "updated_column_comment"
}, - {
- "name": "ColumnDate",
- "type": "Date",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "2019-01-01"
], - "dropColumns": [
- "dropColumn1",
- "dropColumn2"
], - "modifyColumns": [
- {
- "name": "ColumnExisting",
- "type": "String",
- "defaultValue": "defaultValue",
- "comment": "you can update data type (including Nullable), default value and comment when modifying columns"
}, - {
- "name": "ColumnExisting2",
- "type": "Date",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "2019-01-01"
], - "renameColumns": [
- {
- "fromName": "old_column_name",
- "toName": "new_column_name"
], - "ttl": {
- "column": "order_date",
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "MONTH",
- "granularity": "hour"
}, - "isRemoveTTL": false
{ }
db_name required | string |
table_name required | string |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "uuid": "a637ce52-07ca-4e80-b05a-458c42ab2f72",
- "ddl": "CREATE TABLE `example_db`.`example_table`\n(\n\t`col1` String,\n\t`col2` DateTime DEFAULT now(),\n\t`col3` String DEFAULT now()\n)\nENGINE=CnchMergeTree\nPRIMARY KEY col1\nORDER BY col1\nSETTINGS cnch_vw_default = 'vw-example', cnch_vw_write = 'vw_write', index_granularity = 8192, parts_preload_level = 0, storage_policy = 'cnch_default_hdfs' COMMENT '';",
- "sizeInBytes": 13011000000000,
- "noOfRows": 34567890,
- "createdBy": {
- "id": 4780622283186922000,
}, - "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "name": "table_name",
- "description": "Hello Table",
- "orderByKeys": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "samplingKey": "ColumnID",
- "partitionKeys": [
- {
- "column": "ColumnDate",
- "granularity": "day",
- "expression": "toStartOfDay(`ColumnDate`)"
}, - {
- "column": "ColumnNotNull",
- "granularity": null,
- "expression": "ColumnNotNull"
], - "primaryKeys": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "ttl": {
- "column": "order_date",
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "MONTH",
- "granularity": "hour",
- "expression": "`toStartOfHour`(`order_date`) + INTERVAL 3 MONTH"
}, - "uniqueKey": {
- "columns": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "isUniqueTable": true,
- "expression": "(`ColumnID`, `ColumnDate`)"
}, - "clusterKey": {
- "columns": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "numOfBuckets": 20,
- "expression": "(`ColumnID`, `ColumnDate`)"
}, - "tableType": "TABLE",
- "columns": [
- {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a4",
- "name": "ColumnID",
- "type": "String",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "defaultValue",
- "queryFrequency": 1000,
- "queryCount": 243242,
- "comment": "hello comment",
- "lastQueryTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "fullColumnExpression": "String"
}, - {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a5",
- "name": "ColumnDate",
- "type": "Date",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "2019-01-01",
- "queryFrequency": 898,
- "queryCount": 24324,
- "lastQueryTime": null,
- "fullColumnExpression": "Date"
}, - {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a6",
- "name": "ColumnHello",
- "type": "Int",
- "nullable": true,
- "queryFrequency": 500,
- "queryCount": 2432,
- "lastQueryTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "fullColumnExpression": "Nullable(Int)"
}, - {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a7",
- "name": "ColumnNotNull",
- "type": "String",
- "nullable": false,
- "queryFrequency": 100,
- "queryCount": 243,
- "lastQueryTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "fullColumnExpression": "String"
}, - {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a4",
- "name": "ColumnBitEngine",
- "type": "BitMap64",
- "nullable": false,
- "queryFrequency": 100,
- "queryCount": 243,
- "lastQueryTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "fullColumnExpression": "Nullable(BitMap64)",
- "encoding_expression": "BitEngineEncode"
db_name required | string |
table_name required | string |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
offset | integer Example: offset=200 skip specified number of elements, offset shuold be >= 0 |
filter | string |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": [
- {
- "partitionName": "partition 1",
- "sizeInBytes": 300,
- "rowCount": 3000,
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z"
], - "meta": {
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
db_name required | string |
table_name required | string |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
partitionNames | Array of strings Example: ["partition_name1"] |
{- "partitionNames": [
- "partition_name1"
{- "data": "Success"
db_name required | string |
table_name required | string |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "maxPartitionName": "`2022-07-31`",
- "minPartitionName": "`2022-07-01`"
db_name required | string |
filter | string |
offset | integer Example: offset=200 skip specified number of elements, offset shuold be >= 0 |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": [
- {
- "uuid": "sample_mv_uuid",
- "name": "performance",
- "description": "sample description",
- "tableType": "MATERIALIZED-VIEW",
- "baseDatabase": "base",
- "baseTable": "table",
- "targetDatabase": "target",
- "targetTable": "table",
- "ratio": 124.1,
- "hitTimes": 100,
- "createdBy": {
- "id": 4780622283186922000,
}, - "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z"
], - "meta": {
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
db_name required | string |
mv_name required | string |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "uuid": "a637ce52-07ca-4e80-b05a-458c42ab2f72",
- "baseDatabase": "base",
- "baseTable": "table",
- "targetDatabase": "target",
- "targetTable": "table",
- "ratio": 124.1,
- "hitTimes": 100,
- "createdBy": {
- "id": 4780622283186922000,
}, - "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "name": "table_name",
- "description": "Hello Table",
- "orderByKeys": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "samplingKey": "ColumnID",
- "partitionKeys": [
- {
- "column": "ColumnDate",
- "granularity": "day",
- "expression": "toStartOfDay(`ColumnDate`)"
}, - {
- "column": "ColumnNotNull",
- "granularity": null,
- "expression": "ColumnNotNull"
], - "primaryKeys": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "ttl": {
- "column": "order_date",
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "MONTH",
- "granularity": "hour",
- "expression": "`toStartOfHour`(`order_date`) + INTERVAL 3 MONTH"
}, - "uniqueKey": {
- "columns": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "isUniqueTable": true,
- "expression": "(`ColumnID`, `ColumnDate`)"
}, - "clusterKey": {
- "columns": [
- "ColumnID",
- "ColumnDate"
], - "numOfBuckets": 20,
- "expression": "(`ColumnID`, `ColumnDate`)"
}, - "tableType": "TABLE",
- "columns": [
- {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a4",
- "name": "ColumnID",
- "type": "String",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "defaultValue",
- "queryFrequency": 1000,
- "queryCount": 243242,
- "comment": "hello comment",
- "lastQueryTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "fullColumnExpression": "String"
}, - {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a5",
- "name": "ColumnDate",
- "type": "Date",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "2019-01-01",
- "queryFrequency": 898,
- "queryCount": 24324,
- "lastQueryTime": null,
- "fullColumnExpression": "Date"
}, - {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a6",
- "name": "ColumnHello",
- "type": "Int",
- "nullable": true,
- "queryFrequency": 500,
- "queryCount": 2432,
- "lastQueryTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "fullColumnExpression": "Nullable(Int)"
}, - {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a7",
- "name": "ColumnNotNull",
- "type": "String",
- "nullable": false,
- "queryFrequency": 100,
- "queryCount": 243,
- "lastQueryTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "fullColumnExpression": "String"
}, - {
- "uuid": "f965ac8f6-7bf0-4c37-bba1-5066353410a4",
- "name": "ColumnBitEngine",
- "type": "BitMap64",
- "nullable": false,
- "queryFrequency": 100,
- "queryCount": 243,
- "lastQueryTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "fullColumnExpression": "Nullable(BitMap64)",
- "encoding_expression": "BitEngineEncode"
db_name required | string |
table_name required | string |
{- "data": {
- "status": [
- 1
}, - "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
virtual_warehouse | string virtual warehouse to be used for the query |
query | string query to be ran |
user | string Example: user=bytehouse bytehouse |
password | string api-key |
X-ClickHouse-User required | string Example: Bytehouse |
X-ClickHouse-Key required | string Example: your-api-key |
virtual_warehouse | string virtual warehouse to be used for the query |
query | string query to be ran |
user | string Example: user=bytehouse bytehouse |
password | string api-key |
X-ClickHouse-User required | string Example: Bytehouse |
X-ClickHouse-Key required | string Example: your-api-key |
{- "error": {
- "message": "user 12345 does not have permission to resource with identifier 0c3c217b-5a00-4e44-9538-328dac95625b"
query required | string Example: "USE TUTORIAL_DB; SELECT * FROM TUTORIAL_DB.Customer;" |
mode required | string Enum: "ansi_sql" "clickhouse_sql" |
vwID | string Example: "vw-compute-wh-test-8839992783" |
queryID | string Example: "optional-1234567891011121314151617181920s211a22231" |
- "mode": "ansi_sql",
- "vwID": "vw-compute-wh-test-8839992783",
- "queryID": "optional-1234567891011121314151617181920s211a22231"
{- "meta": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "data": [
- [
- "string"
], - "rows": 0,
- "statistics": {
- "elapsed": 0,
- "rows_read": 0,
- "bytes_read": 0
query required | string Example: "USE TUTORIAL_DB; SELECT * FROM TUTORIAL_DB.Customer;" |
mode required | string Enum: "ansi_sql" "clickhouse_sql" |
vwID | string Example: "vw-compute-wh-test-8839992783" |
queryID | string Example: "optional-1234567891011121314151617181920s211a22231" |
- "mode": "ansi_sql",
- "vwID": "vw-compute-wh-test-8839992783",
- "queryID": "optional-1234567891011121314151617181920s211a22231"
{- "data": [
- {
- "status": "running",
- "queryID": "query-id-one-two-three",
- "errorMessage": "Code 100 DB Exception: Unknown Table `fakeDB.fakeTable`"
id required | string Example: b36fa16e-a0ce-4274-a744-621357180928 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "state": "running",
- "errorMessage": "internal error",
- "sqlStatement": "SELECT 1",
- "startTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "endTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z"
id required | string Example: b36fa16e-a0ce-4274-a744-621357180928 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "meta": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "data": [
- [
- "string"
], - "rows": 0,
- "statistics": {
- "elapsed": 0,
- "rows_read": 0,
- "bytes_read": 0
X-QuerySession-ID | string Query/Worksheet session ID |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
query required | string Example: "USE TUTORIAL_DB; SELECT * FROM TUTORIAL_DB.Customer;" |
mode required | string Enum: "ansi_sql" "clickhouse_sql" |
vwID | string Example: "vw-compute-wh-test-8839992783" |
queryID | string Example: "optional-1234567891011121314151617181920s211a22231" |
asyncModeSwitchAfterInSec | integer Example: 0 |
maxRowsReturn | integer Example: 2 maximum number of rows return in the result (0 means return all rows) |
insertWithData | boolean Example: false sends all the data in a single pass for insert queries |
- "mode": "ansi_sql",
- "vwID": "vw-compute-wh-test-8839992783",
- "queryID": "optional-1234567891011121314151617181920s211a22231",
- "asyncModeSwitchAfterInSec": 0,
- "maxRowsReturn": 2,
- "insertWithData": false
{- "data": [
- {
- "sessionID": "08c2cf17-b4e4-43b7-a93f-6012e5d63ff8",
- "queryID": "08c2cf17-b4e4-43b7-a93f-6012e5d63ff8",
- "sqlStatement": "SELECT *\nFROM `test_db`.`test_table`\nLIMIT 1000",
- "executionType": "QUERY",
- "status": "SUCCESS",
- "startTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "endTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "durationInMs": 3050,
- "vwResumeDurationInMs": 3000,
- "errorMessage": "Code 100 DB Exception: Unknown Table `fakeDB.fakeTable`",
- "rowsNum": 100,
- "columns": [
- {
- "name": "ColumnID",
- "type": "String",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "defaultValue"
}, - {
- "name": "ColumnDate",
- "type": "Date",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "2019-01-01"
], - "rows": [
- [
- "123456",
- "Linus Torvald",
- "Principal Developer, Linux Kernel",
- "March 21 1990"
], - [
- "123456",
- "Rob Pike",
- "Google Cloud Leading Director",
- "Jan 23 1996"
X-QuerySession-ID | string Query/Worksheet session ID |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "killed": true
id required | string Example: b36fa16e-a0ce-4274-a744-621357180928 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "killed": true
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
query required | string Example: "USE TUTORIAL_DB; SELECT * FROM TUTORIAL_DB.Customer;" |
mode required | string Enum: "ansi_sql" "clickhouse_sql" |
vwID | string Example: "vw-compute-wh-test-8839992783" |
queryID | string Example: "optional-1234567891011121314151617181920s211a22231" |
- "mode": "ansi_sql",
- "vwID": "vw-compute-wh-test-8839992783",
- "queryID": "optional-1234567891011121314151617181920s211a22231"
{- "data": [
- {
- "status": "running",
- "queryID": "query-id-one-two-three",
- "Exception": "Code 100 DB Exception: Unknown Table `fakeDB.fakeTable`"
id required | string Example: b36fa16e-a0ce-4274-a744-621357180928 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "killed": true
id required | string Example: b36fa16e-a0ce-4274-a744-621357180928 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": {
- "state": "running",
- "errorMessage": "internal error",
- "sqlStatement": "SELECT 1",
- "startTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "endTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z"
id required | string Example: b36fa16e-a0ce-4274-a744-621357180928 |
maxRowsReturn | integer Example: maxRowsReturn=2 maximum rows return in the result(0 means return all rows) |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": [
- {
- "sessionID": "08c2cf17-b4e4-43b7-a93f-6012e5d63ff8",
- "queryID": "08c2cf17-b4e4-43b7-a93f-6012e5d63ff8",
- "sqlStatement": "SELECT *\nFROM `test_db`.`test_table`\nLIMIT 1000",
- "executionType": "QUERY",
- "status": "SUCCESS",
- "startTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "endTime": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "durationInMs": 3050,
- "vwResumeDurationInMs": 3000,
- "errorMessage": "Code 100 DB Exception: Unknown Table `fakeDB.fakeTable`",
- "rowsNum": 100,
- "columns": [
- {
- "name": "ColumnID",
- "type": "String",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "defaultValue"
}, - {
- "name": "ColumnDate",
- "type": "Date",
- "nullable": false,
- "defaultValue": "2019-01-01"
], - "rows": [
- [
- "123456",
- "Linus Torvald",
- "Principal Developer, Linux Kernel",
- "March 21 1990"
], - [
- "123456",
- "Rob Pike",
- "Google Cloud Leading Director",
- "Jan 23 1996"
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
query | string Example: "USE TUTORIAL_DB; SELECT * FROM TUTORIAL_DB.Customer;" |
object (UserInfo) |
- "userInfo": {
- "accountID": 112233,
- "userID": 112233,
- "activeRole": "AccountAdmin"
{- "data": {
- "valid": true,
- "message": "access denied, user has not access to table1 ",
- "tables": [
- "databaseName.table1",
- "databaseName.table2"
List all sql functions available to Bytehouse
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": [
- {
- "name": "any",
- "type": "aggregate",
- "description": "Selects the first encountered value.",
- "example": "SELECT any(number) FROM numbers(10);",
- "class": ""
Create a new environment
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
environment_id | string Example: "myenv" ID of the new environment. Must be unique across account. Environment ID must consist only of 1-10 lower-cased alphabetical characters. |
environment_name | string Example: "My Environment" Environment display name. Optional, default is "environment_id" value. |
description | string Environment description / comment text. Optional. |
{- "environment_id": "myenv",
- "environment_name": "My Environment",
- "description": "string"
{- "message": "Success"
Update an existing environment metadata
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
environment_id | string Example: "myenv" ID of the environment to change. |
environment_name | string Example: "My Environment" Environment display name. Optional, default is "environment_id" value. |
description | string New environment description value. |
{- "environment_id": "myenv",
- "environment_name": "My Environment",
- "description": "string"
{- "message": "Success"
Delete an existing environment
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
environment_id | string Example: "myenv" ID of the environment to delete. |
{- "environment_id": "myenv"
{- "message": "Success"
List environments details
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
status_filter | Array of strings Example: ["ACTIVE"] Optional status filter. Empty filter means no filter. |
{- "status_filter": [
{- "data": [
- {
- "environment_id": "myenv",
- "environment_name": "My Environment",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "description": "myenv",
- "created_at": "2024-10-21T10:00:00.000Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-10-21T10:00:00.000Z"
Create a new API key for current user. The number of API key is limited to 2 per user.
Use API key in header Authorization: Bearer
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
noExpiry | boolean Example: false Defines whether the API key has an expiry time or not. If set to true, |
expiryInDays | integer Example: 90 Defines the expiry time (in days) of the created API key starting from time of creation. |
comment | string API key description / comment. |
{- "noExpiry": false,
- "expiryInDays": 90,
- "comment": "string"
{- "data": {
- "id": "8914859996411850157",
- "key": "qUNomoCoqSokljuoRs5z",
- "status": "ENABLED",
- "noExpiry": false,
- "expiredAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "comment": "string"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "8914859996411850157",
- "maskedKey": "qUNomoCoqS**********",
- "status": "ENABLED",
- "expiredAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "noExpiry": false,
- "comment": "string",
- "accountID": 0
Delete self-owned API key.
api_key_id required | string Example: 1 ID of User's API Key |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
{- "message": "Success"
Update self-owned API key.
api_key_id required | string Example: 1 ID of User's API Key |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
noExpiry | boolean Set to true to make the API key never expires. |
addExpiryInDays | integer Example: 30 Extend the expiry of the API keys by this many days. If API key was non-expiring, expiry date will be this many days from the day of update. |
comment | string Set the description/comment for the key. |
status | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Example: "ENABLED" Set the status of the key |
{- "noExpiry": true,
- "addExpiryInDays": 30,
- "comment": "string",
- "status": "ENABLED"
{- "message": "Success"
Update the status of the API key.
api_key_id required | string Example: 1 ID of User's API Key |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
status | string (ApiKeyStatus) Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Example: "ENABLED" API key status |
{- "status": "ENABLED"
{- "message": "Success"
Update the expiry date of an API key
api_key_id required | string Example: 1 ID of User's API Key |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
addExpiryInDays | integer Example: 30 Number of days to add on to the expiry. Default is 90 days. |
noExpiry | boolean Set to true to make the API key never expires. When |
{- "addExpiryInDays": 30,
- "noExpiry": true
{- "message": "Success"
List the available action enums on given resources. Only the resource type matters.
resources | Array of strings (BRNResource) List of resources to list the actions of. Only the type matters in this call. |
{- "resources": [
- "string"
{- "data": {
- "resource_actions": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "actions": [
Check if operator is authorized to perform actions
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
Array of objects (PrivilegeCheck) List of action(s) on resource(s) to check. | |||||||
{- "privileges": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "action": "CREATE",
- "grant_option": true
{- "allowed": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "action": "CREATE",
- "grant_option": true
], - "denied": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "action": "CREATE",
- "grant_option": true
Grant privileges over a resource to a principal. The operator must have grant capabilities.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
resource required | string (BRNResource) Resource in BRN format (brn:[accountID]:[region]:[resource]). Examples:
required | object (Principal) Principal containing the principal type and ID |
actions required | Array of strings (ResourceAction) Items Enum: "CREATE" "ALTER" "DROP" "SHOW" "SELECT" "INSERT" "OPTIMIZE" "TRUNCATE" "GET" "EXECUTE" Actions to be granted on the resource. See "List resource actions". |
grant_option | boolean Allow the user or role to grant this privilege to another. |
{- "resource": "string",
- "principal": {
- "type": "USER",
- "id": "string"
}, - "actions": [
], - "grant_option": true
{- "message": "Success"
Revoke privileges over a resource from a principal.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
resource required | string (BRNResource) Resource in BRN format (brn:[accountID]:[region]:[resource]). Examples:
required | object (Principal) Principal containing the principal type and ID |
actions required | Array of strings (ResourceAction) Items Enum: "CREATE" "ALTER" "DROP" "SHOW" "SELECT" "INSERT" "OPTIMIZE" "TRUNCATE" "GET" "EXECUTE" Actions to be revoked on the resource. See "List resource actions". |
{- "resource": "string",
- "principal": {
- "type": "USER",
- "id": "string"
}, - "actions": [
{- "message": "Success"
List privileges granted to a principal.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
object (Principal) Principal containing the principal type and ID | |
resources | Array of strings Example: ["brn:123456789:cn-beijing:data/database:my_db/table:my_table"] List of resources to list the privileges of. |
{- "principal": {
- "type": "USER",
- "id": "string"
}, - "resources": [
- "brn:123456789:cn-beijing:data/database:my_db/table:my_table"
{- "data": {
- "privileges": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "SHOW",
- "grant": true,
- "mutable": true
List privileges grouped by (principal,resource).
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
resources | Array of strings Example: ["brn:123456789:cn-beijing:data/database:my_db/table:my_table"] List of resources to list the privileges of. |
{- "resources": [
- "brn:123456789:cn-beijing:data/database:my_db/table:my_table"
{- "data": {
- "principals": [
- {
- "principal": {
- "type": "USER",
- "id": "string"
}, - "privileges": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "SHOW",
- "grant": true,
- "mutable": true
List privileges grouped by (resource,principal).
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
Array of objects (PrivilegeGrant) List of resources to list the privileges of. | |||||||
{- "privileges": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "actions": [
- "string"
], - "grant_option": true
{- "data": {
- "privileges": [
- {
- "resource": "string",
- "principals": [
- {
- "principal": {
- "type": "USER",
- "id": "string"
}, - "actions": [
- {
- "action": "SHOW",
- "grant": true,
- "mutable": true
List all role names.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
[- "my_new_role"
Creates a new role, this will be a no-op operation if given a role that already exists.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
name required | string Example: "my_new_role" Name of the role. This will be the main identifier of the role. |
description | string Description of the role |
{- "name": "my_new_role",
- "description": "string"
{- "message": "Success"
Deletes an existing role.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
name required | string Example: "my_new_role" Name of the role to delete |
{- "name": "my_new_role"
{- "message": "Success"
Get a role information.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
name required | string Example: "my_new_role" Name of the role |
{- "name": "my_new_role"
{- "name": "my_new_role",
- "description": "My new role",
- "created_at": "2024-07-16T10:25:39.144Z"
Assign a role to a user.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
role_name required | string Example: "my_new_role" Name of the role to assign |
user_id required | integer Example: 123 User ID to assign the role to |
{- "role_name": "my_new_role",
- "user_id": 123
{- "message": "Success"
Unassign a role from a user.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
role_name required | string Example: "my_new_role" Name of the role to unassign |
user_id required | integer Example: 123 User ID to unassign the role from |
{- "role_name": "my_new_role",
- "user_id": 123
{- "message": "Success"
List existing role assignments.
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-Environment-Id | string Example: myenv Environment to use (optional) |
role_names | Array of strings Example: ["my_role","my_new_role"] Optional role names filter |
user_ids | Array of integers Example: [123,456] Optional user IDs filter |
{- "role_names": [
- "my_role",
- "my_new_role"
], - "user_ids": [
- 123,
- 456
{- "data": {
- "assignments": [
- {
- "role_name": "my_new_role",
- "user_id": 123
startTime required | string Example: startTime=2021-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z stats start time |
endTime required | string Example: endTime=2021-11-24T09:23:55.840932013Z stats end time |
dbName | string Example: dbName=dbName db name |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "granularity": 3600,
- "series": [
- {
- "date": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "totalSizeInBytes": 234,
- "totalRows": 234,
- "details": [
- {
- "dbName": "dbName1",
- "sizeInBytes": 2342,
- "rows": 2342
startTime required | string Example: startTime=2021-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z stats start time |
endTime required | string Example: endTime=2021-11-24T09:23:55.840932013Z stats end time |
vwName | string Example: vwName=vwName vw name |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "granularity": 3600,
- "series": [
- {
- "date": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "totalCredits": 234.1,
- "details": [
- {
- "vwName": "vwName1",
- "credit": 20.24
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
object | |
Array of objects | |
object |
{- "pagination": {
- "limit": 50,
- "offset": 10,
- "cursor": "string"
}, - "sort": [
- {
- "name": "columnNameInCamelCase",
- "reversed": true
], - "filter": {
- "startTime": "2024-01-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "endTime": "2024-06-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "operatorUserID": [
- 56787,
- 56788,
- 56789
], - "grantee": [
- "AccountAdmin",
- "56789"
], - "privilegeType": [
- "USER",
- "ROLE"
], - "operationType": [
- "GRANT",
], - "permissions": [
- "USE",
- "DROP"
], - "objectType": [
], - "objectName": [
- "*",
- "data/*",
- "data/no_permission/test"
], - "status": [
{- "meta": {
- "nextCursor": "string",
- "total": 5
}, - "data": [
- {
- "accountID": 12345,
- "eventTime": "2024-01-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "operatorUserID": 56789,
- "grantee": "jojo-role",
- "privilegeType": "ROLE",
- "operationType": "GRANT",
- "permission": "USE",
- "objectType": "DATA/DATABASE",
- "objectName": "data/*",
- "status": "SUCCESS",
- "details": "GRANTED USE on data/* to jojo_role",
- "logID": "1e950be2-6100-4b97-8d02-aaf12e0501e2"
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
object | |
Array of objects | |
object |
{- "pagination": {
- "limit": 50,
- "offset": 10,
- "cursor": "2024-06-27 03:22:09"
}, - "sort": [
- {
- "name": "columnNameInCamelCase",
- "reversed": true
], - "filter": {
- "startTime": "2024-01-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "endTime": "2024-06-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "operatorUserID": [
- 56787,
- 56788,
- 56789
], - "operatorActiveRoles": [
- "AccountAdmin",
- "SystemAdmin"
], - "operationType": [
- "ALTER",
], - "source": [
- "USER",
], - "status": [
], - "warehouseName": [
- "warehouse_name1",
- "warehouse_name2"
{- "meta": {
- "nextCursor": "string",
- "total": 5
}, - "data": [
- {
- "accountID": 12345,
- "eventTime": "2024-01-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "operatorUserID": 56789,
- "operationType": "ALTER",
- "warehouseID": "vw-12345-sayan-vw",
- "warehouseName": "sayan-vw",
- "source": "USER",
- "status": "SUCCESS",
- "details": "Altered vw sayan-vw to size S",
- "logID": "1866cf5f-3f72-4c58-be6b-406e7fd9aa93"
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
X-User-ID required | string Example: 2100042608 user ID |
X-Account-ID | string Example: 3218581405375043103 Account ID |
object | |
Array of objects | |
object |
{- "pagination": {
- "limit": 50,
- "offset": 10,
- "cursor": "2024-06-27 03:22:09"
}, - "sort": [
- {
- "name": "columnNameInCamelCase",
- "reversed": true
], - "filter": {
- "startTimeFrom": "2024-01-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "startTimeTo": "2024-06-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "userID": [
- 56787,
- 56788,
- 56789
], - "userRoles": [
- "AccountAdmin",
- "SystemAdmin"
], - "behaviorTarget": [
], - "behaviorType": [
], - "status": [
], - "clientIP": [
- "fdbd:ff1:ce00:216b:1c14:f9db:df13:f3d7"
], - "logID": [
- "2024121310234268CC9ED7BF1C85C75C88"
{- "meta": {
- "nextCursor": "string",
- "total": 5
}, - "data": [
- {
- "accountID": 12345,
- "clientIP": "fdbd:ff1:ce00:216b:1c14:f9db:df13:f3d7",
- "environmentID": "env-12345",
- "startTime": "2024-01-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
- "userID": 222,
- "username": "tk",
- "userRoles": "AccountAdmin,SystemAdmin",
- "behaviorRequestSource": "WEB",
- "behaviorType": "CREATE",
- "behaviorTarget": "BACKUP_POLICY",
- "details": "Created backup policy: policy-12345",
- "logID": "2024121310234268CC9ED7BF1C85C75C88",
- "status": "SUCCESS",
- "endTime": "2024-01-24T09:23:55.840932013Z"
id required | string Example: b36fa16e-a0ce-4274-a744-621357180928 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "elapsed": 1,
- "rows_read": 100,
- "bytes_read": 100,
- "total_cpu_seconds": 0.1,
- "io_wait_seconds": 0.1
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
name required | string (ConnectionName) Example: "s3_sales_report" A descriptive name for your connection, 128 chars or less |
type required | string (ImportSourceType) Enum: "LOCAL" "S3" "TOS" "HIVE" "KAFKA" "KINESIS" "ALI_OSS" "MINIO" "CFS" "LASFS" "MYSQL" "BYTEHOUSE" Example: "TOS" |
required | object |
{- "name": "s3_sales_report",
- "type": "TOS",
- "data": {
- "accessKey": "AKIA1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8IJKLM",
- "secretKey": "94eUOh9w3yEFqJyGW2XdU8NHJO/yTI9RHen4e0iU"
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "id": 1
cursor | string Example: cursor=eyJ2YWx1ZSI6bnVsbCwic29ydF92YWx1ZSI6bnVsbH0= |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "meta": {
- "nextCursor": "nextCursor",
- "prevCursor": "prevCursor",
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
}, - "error": {
- "message": "null if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": 12345,
- "name": "s3_sales_report",
- "type": "TOS",
- "createdAt": "2022-05-10T12:43:56.722117+08:00"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
name required | string Example: "s3_connection_updated" Name of the connection |
required | object |
{- "name": "s3_connection_updated",
- "data": {
- "accessKey": "AKIA1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8IJKLM",
- "secretKey": "94eUOh9w3yEFqJyGW2XdU8NHJO/yTI9RHen4e0iU"
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "id": 48613,
- "name": "TOS china source",
- "type": "TOS",
- "data": {
- "accessKey": "**********",
- "secretKey": "*************"
}, - "accountID": 3093442639250928000,
- "userID": 1360734397924064800,
- "createdAt": "2022-04-27T04:36:11Z"
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
name required | string (ImportJobName) Example: "s3-cell-towers-csv" A descriptive name, 128 chars or less |
description | string [Optional] To describe the job in more details |
connectionID | integer ID of the connection which provides credentials to read data from source, for ByteHouse import job, connectionID should be 0 |
required | object (ImportJobConfiguration) |
required | object (ImportJobSourceSchema) Provides schema of the source data, optional for batch data sources |
schemaFile | string Base64 encoded string of protobuf schema file, required for KAFKA PROTOBUF |
state required | string (ImportJobState) Enum: "PUBLISHED" "DRAFT" DRAFT means the job is partially created. |
{- "name": "s3-cell-towers-csv",
- "description": "string",
- "connectionID": 0,
- "configuration": {
- "source": {
- "type": "TOS",
- "properties": {
- "bucket": "bytehouse-data-express-test",
- "region": "cn-north-1",
- "fileNames": "cell_towers.json",
- "pathPrefix": "shared/clickhouse/cell_towers/"
}, - "parser": {
- "type": "CSV",
- "properties": {
- "fieldSeparator": ",",
- "encoding": "UTF-8",
- "header": true,
- "quote": "\""
}, - "sink": {
- "tableUUID": "ed4549e4-ce9a-41eb-a67d-2117cbb16716",
- "properties": {
- "loadingMode": "FULL_REFRESH"
}, - "schema": {
- "strategy": "NAME_CUSTOM_MAPPING",
- "columns": [
- {
- "sourceColumnName": "unit price",
- "sinkColumnName": "unit_price"
}, - "sourceSchema": {
- "properties": [
- {
- "name": "radio",
- "type": "String",
- "example": "UMTS"
}, - "schemaFile": "string",
- "state": "PUBLISHED"
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "id": 0
cursor | string Example: cursor=eyJ2YWx1ZSI6bnVsbCwic29ydF92YWx1ZSI6bnVsbH0= |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "meta": {
- "nextCursor": "nextCursor",
- "prevCursor": "prevCursor",
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
}, - "error": {
- "message": "null if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": 398,
- "name": "sample-s3-sales-70",
- "accountID": 8635733085987518000,
- "sourceType": "TOS",
- "tableUUID": "feb4b7a6-fbc7-4164-abf5-a705499b02f9",
- "databaseName": "brian",
- "tableName": "sales",
- "createdAt": "2022-05-10T13:21:21+08:00",
- "createdBy": "8628611004645993074",
- "ingestedRecords": 0,
- "lastExecutionStatus": "RUNNING",
- "state": "PUBLISHED"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "name": "s3-cell-towers-csv",
- "description": "string",
- "connectionID": 0,
- "configuration": {
- "source": {
- "type": "TOS",
- "properties": {
- "bucket": "bytehouse-data-express-test",
- "region": "cn-north-1",
- "fileNames": "cell_towers.json",
- "pathPrefix": "shared/clickhouse/cell_towers/"
}, - "parser": {
- "type": "CSV",
- "properties": {
- "fieldSeparator": ",",
- "encoding": "UTF-8",
- "header": true,
- "quote": "\""
}, - "sink": {
- "tableUUID": "ed4549e4-ce9a-41eb-a67d-2117cbb16716",
- "properties": {
- "loadingMode": "FULL_REFRESH"
}, - "schema": {
- "strategy": "NAME_CUSTOM_MAPPING",
- "columns": [
- {
- "sourceColumnName": "unit price",
- "sinkColumnName": "unit_price"
}, - "sourceSchema": {
- "properties": [
- {
- "name": "radio",
- "type": "String",
- "example": "UMTS"
}, - "schemaFile": "string",
- "state": "PUBLISHED"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
name required | string (ImportJobName) Example: "s3-cell-towers-csv" A descriptive name, 128 chars or less |
description | string [Optional] To describe the job in more details |
connectionID | integer ID of the connection which provides credentials to read data from source, for ByteHouse import job, connectionID should be 0 |
required | object (ImportJobConfiguration) |
required | object (ImportJobSourceSchema) Provides schema of the source data, optional for batch data sources |
schemaFile | string Base64 encoded string of protobuf schema file, required for KAFKA PROTOBUF |
state required | string (ImportJobState) Enum: "PUBLISHED" "DRAFT" DRAFT means the job is partially created. |
{- "name": "s3-cell-towers-csv",
- "description": "string",
- "connectionID": 0,
- "configuration": {
- "source": {
- "type": "TOS",
- "properties": {
- "bucket": "bytehouse-data-express-test",
- "region": "cn-north-1",
- "fileNames": "cell_towers.json",
- "pathPrefix": "shared/clickhouse/cell_towers/"
}, - "parser": {
- "type": "CSV",
- "properties": {
- "fieldSeparator": ",",
- "encoding": "UTF-8",
- "header": true,
- "quote": "\""
}, - "sink": {
- "tableUUID": "ed4549e4-ce9a-41eb-a67d-2117cbb16716",
- "properties": {
- "loadingMode": "FULL_REFRESH"
}, - "schema": {
- "strategy": "NAME_CUSTOM_MAPPING",
- "columns": [
- {
- "sourceColumnName": "unit price",
- "sinkColumnName": "unit_price"
}, - "sourceSchema": {
- "properties": [
- {
- "name": "radio",
- "type": "String",
- "example": "UMTS"
}, - "schemaFile": "string",
- "state": "PUBLISHED"
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
name | string Example: "Job Updated Name" New name of import job |
{- "name": "Job Updated Name"
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
description | string Example: "Job Updated Description" New description of import job |
{- "description": "Job Updated Description"
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "": {
- "description": "Full path of uploaded file for the local ingestion job",
- "type": "string",
- "default": "employees.csv",
- "required": true
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
Starting Argument of the file | string Example: "Forestry_Planting_Spaces.csv" |
{- "": "Forestry_Planting_Spaces.csv"
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "executionID": "fc276d11-381a-43ec-b7d9-cbb76a90d057"
id required | integer |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
id required | integer |
cursor | string Example: cursor=eyJ2YWx1ZSI6bnVsbCwic29ydF92YWx1ZSI6bnVsbH0= |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "meta": {
- "nextCursor": "nextCursor",
- "prevCursor": "prevCursor",
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
}, - "error": {
- "message": "null if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "jobID": 28834,
- "jobName": "s3-cell-towers-csv",
- "sourceType": "TOS",
- "startedAt": "2022-05-12T03:28:22Z",
- "durationInMs": 10760,
- "status": "RUNNING",
- "diagnostics": "",
- "startedBy": 1360734397924064800,
- "numIngestedRecords": 0,
- "tableUUID": "5f7ae696-651c-4252-b193-74a830c1f21a",
- "percentageCompletion": 99.9,
- "estimatedTimeLeftInMs": 0
cursor | string Example: cursor=eyJ2YWx1ZSI6bnVsbCwic29ydF92YWx1ZSI6bnVsbH0= |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "meta": {
- "nextCursor": "nextCursor",
- "prevCursor": "prevCursor",
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
}, - "error": {
- "message": "null if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "jobID": 40449,
- "jobName": "s3-cell-towers-csv",
- "sourceType": "TOS",
- "category": "BATCH",
- "tableUUID": "feb4b7a6-fbc7-4164-abf5-a705499b02f9",
- "databaseName": "brian",
- "tableName": "sales",
- "startedAt": "2022-05-10T13:21:21+08:00",
- "startedBy": 8628611004645993000,
- "durationInMs": 12420,
- "status": "RUNNING",
- "diagnostics": "string",
- "numIngestedRecords": 0,
- "numRejectedRecords": 0,
- "percentageCompletion": 99.9,
- "estimatedTimeLeftInMs": 0
id required | string <uuid> |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "jobID": 40395,
- "connectionID": 48613,
- "status": "RUNNING",
- "statusChangedAt": "2022-05-04T07:12:31Z",
- "accountID": 3093442639250928000,
- "userID": 1360734397924064800,
- "createdAt": "2022-04-27T04:36:11Z",
- "startedAt": "2022-04-27T04:36:11Z",
- "finishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "durationInMs": 614179673,
- "sourceType": "TOS",
- "configuration": {
- "source": {
- "type": "TOS",
- "properties": {
- "bucket": "bytehouse-data-express-test",
- "region": "cn-north-1",
- "fileNames": "cell_towers.json",
- "pathPrefix": "shared/clickhouse/cell_towers/"
}, - "parser": {
- "type": "CSV",
- "properties": {
- "fieldSeparator": ",",
- "encoding": "UTF-8",
- "header": true,
- "quote": "\""
}, - "sink": {
- "tableUUID": "ed4549e4-ce9a-41eb-a67d-2117cbb16716",
- "properties": {
- "loadingMode": "FULL_REFRESH"
}, - "schema": {
- "strategy": "NAME_CUSTOM_MAPPING",
- "columns": [
- {
- "sourceColumnName": "unit price",
- "sinkColumnName": "unit_price"
}, - "sourceSchema": {
- "properties": [
- {
- "name": "radio",
- "type": "String",
- "example": "UMTS"
}, - "schemaFile": "",
- "diagnostics": "",
- "numIngestedRecords": 0,
- "numRejectedRecords": 0,
- "percentageCompletion": 99.9,
- "estimatedTimeLeftInMs": 0
id required | string <uuid> |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "error": {
- "message": "something went wrong, please refer to document or find help from tech support"
Get historical consuming status of a Kafka execution including current offset, lag and consumption speed. The response will be an array of consuming status of time windows in the period from now back trace to now - 'period' (from query parameter). The time window length is specified by the 'granularity' query parameter.
id required | string Example: b36fa16e-a0ce-4274-a744-621357180928 |
partition required | integer Kafka topic partition used to query kafka consuming status. |
period required | string Example: period=1h Time period to request for kafka historical consuming status and the value should be a valid duration string according to |
granularity required | string Example: granularity=2m Time granularity to request for kafka historical consuming status and the value should be a valid duration string according to |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "currentOffset": 12345,
- "lag": 2,
- "consumptionSpeed": 3.2,
- "time": "2022-05-12T11:15:00.000+08:00"
id required | string Example: b36fa16e-a0ce-4274-a744-621357180928 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
}, - "data": [
- "0c795680-2269-462a-a3a8-668e868a5cfe"
limit | integer Example: limit=100 limitation of the response row count.
offset | integer Example: offset=200 skip specified number of elements, offset shuold be >= 0 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "vw-123456789-vwname",
- "name": "depart1_name2",
- "description": "some description about this VW",
- "configID": 123456,
- "status": "up",
- "autoSuspend": 5,
- "autoResume": true,
- "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z"
], - "meta": {
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
name required | string (VWName) Example: "depart1_name2" vw name.
status | string (VWStatusParam) Default: "up" Example: "up" indicate target status of the vw. "up"-run/resume; "down"-suspend. |
autoSuspend | integer (VWAutoSuspend) Default: 0 Example: 5 VW will auto suspend after x minutes of idleness. If set to 0(default), VW will never auto suspend. The value should be >= 0; |
autoResume | boolean (VWAutoResume) Default: false Example: true If set to true, the VW will try auto resume when query arrives. |
configID required | integer (VWConfigID) Example: 123456 configID should > 0, you can get available resource settings by "list config" api. |
description | string (VWDescription) Default: "" Example: "some description about this VW" |
{- "name": "depart1_name2",
- "status": "up",
- "autoSuspend": 5,
- "autoResume": true,
- "configID": 123456,
- "description": "some description about this VW"
{- "name": "string",
- "vwID": "vw-123456789-vwname",
- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
Getting the virtual warehouse details by name
name required | string Example: seg1_vw2 vw name |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "id": "vw-123456789-vwname",
- "name": "depart1_name2",
- "description": "some description about this VW",
- "configID": 123456,
- "status": "up",
- "autoSuspend": 5,
- "autoResume": true,
- "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z",
- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
name required | string Example: seg1_vw2 vw name |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
description | string or null (VWDescriptionNullable) Example: "some description about this VW" |
configID | integer or null (VWConfigIDNullable) Example: 123456 configID should > 0, you can get available resource settings by "list config" api. |
status | string or null (VWStatusParamNullable) Example: "up" indicate target status of the vw. "up"-run/resume; "down"-suspend. |
autoSuspend | integer or null (VWAutoSuspendNullable) Example: 5 VW will auto suspend after x minutes of idleness. If set to 0(default), VW will never auto suspend. The value should be >= 0; |
autoResume | boolean or null (VWAutoResumeNullable) Example: true If set to true, the VW will try auto resume when query arrives. |
{- "description": "some description about this VW",
- "configID": 123456,
- "status": "up",
- "autoSuspend": 5,
- "autoResume": true
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
name required | string Example: seg1_vw2 vw name |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "message": "Success",
- "error": {
- "message": "omitempty if no error, otherwise, it will be error message"
limit | integer Example: limit=100 limitation of the response row count.
offset | integer Example: offset=200 skip specified number of elements, offset shuold be >= 0 |
X-User-ActiveRole | string Example: AccountAdmin User active roles (comma-separated) header |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 10,
- "name": "XS",
- "cpu": "0.6",
- "memory": "2Gi",
- "replica": 2,
- "isDefault": true,
- "createdAt": "2020-11-23T09:23:55.840932013Z"
], - "meta": {
- "offset": 4,
- "total": 5